I'm not going to lie...I thought it would be a cinch. After all, historically speaking, LO has reached all of the milestones early and easily. Crawling - check. Walking - check. Talking - check. Potty training - no DICE.
The first day that I sat her on the toilet, she delivered - #1 and #2, nonetheless. I was ecstatic. Why did I read any books? Why did I over think the strategy? In her nonchalant way, she just did it. Visions of Dora underwear and diaper bag-free outings danced in my head. Wait, I didn't even make a big deal when I changed her last diaper. I didn't have a chance to really appreciate the last pooped diaper. Much like the last time I nursed her. I didn't know it was going to be the last. I decided at 15 months that I should start the weaning process. My strategy was to not offer but not to deny. I never had to deny her...she never asked. And just like that, my boobs were mine once again. Ungratefully returned to me in a very saggy, sad state. Thanks LO.
Except PT has not been anything like our nursing finale. She is severely stalling. Actually it has come to a complete halt. She did it that once and has kept me anxiously awaiting another delivery. That was a month ago.
The real kicker is that she completely understands the entire process. She has become quite the potty expert. Her favorite movie du jour is "Potty Power" (an ultra cheesy video made in the 80's that I checked out of the library...she's going to be devastated when I return it). Assuredly she chants the mantra "No more diapers for me" and marches around the room screaming "I'm proud to wear my underwear!"
Yet she has no interest in giving up her diapers and wearing underwear. She is perfectly content to wake from her nap, yelling "Mama, poo poo. I have poo poo." So what the Hades is going on?!?! It would be easier to accept if she didn't show any interest or if she didn't comprehend it.
She even cheers P on when she walks in on him peeing. She'll cheer "GO PAPA', GO PAPA'" and then claps and hollers "YAY" when he's done. She's literally cheering from the sidelines.
Mama is counting down the days before she decides to step it up and get on the field! Meanwhile I have the diaper bag fully stocked.