"We wish you a Merry Missmas, We wish you a Merry Missmas, We wish you Merry Missmas and a happy new YOU!"This is exactly how LO
Speaking of holding on...
Do you ever want to make a copy of your life (or at the very least, the best moments) for posterity? Wouldn't it be amazing to be a Kardashian only for having access to footage of all those moments that will eventually get lost in the minutia of daily life (having access to all that moola wouldn't be bad either)? Tonight, P (in a navy blue Adidas soccer shirt) and LO (in her zebra pjs that say "need my zzz's") had the sweetest, most tender, yet most insignificant and quite forgettable moment. She sat on his knee, her feet dangling off the ground, giving him kisses on the cheek before bedtime. It wasn't Christmas morning, a birthday, or her first day of school. It was just a regular old Saturday night. But witnessing the embrace filled me with such joy that it may as well have been my freaking birthday - circa 1992 when I went to Roller King and rocked out to Kris Kross "Jump Jump." Now that was a good birthday. Anyhow, I ran off for the camera, intent on not letting this moment dissolve, only to return to LO pulling P's hair and giggling. Tender moment gone - replaced by the more customary goofy moment. So I instructed them to do it again. Take 2. But it just wasn't the same. So I missed it after all.
Or did I? I was there. I felt the sudden and immense rush of love that only these two people can evoke in me. And although I may never remember the exact pjs LO was wearing or what day of the week it was or anything about it for that matter - the memory is imprinted in my soul.
With that, this new year, the new me will try to live right now. I will trust that my life is in the now and that the past is gone and the future ain't here. So all I have is now....which amounts to a whole damn lot!
Happy New You, everybody!