Why? Because I had this vision of my second baby girl being a sweet, tame creature. A snuggly, sensitive soul who would be more of the "clutching Mama's leg" type at school drop-off than LO's "C-ya Mami" wave. Of course it's impossible to assess a fetus' personality. But if all this movement is any indication of the energy of this little one, we're in for a wild (wilder, rather) ride!
I can't deny that I have worried about the attention that Numero Dos will get. LO is just such a tour de force. She came into this world as a bolt of energy. She has always demanded attention and received it by the boatloads. Recently I opened LO's baby boxes. The baby swing and Little Lamb vibrating seat are in mint condition. LO demanded warm arms. We rarely put her down. P and I took turns bouncing her on the exercise ball. It was a life saver. It soothed her every time. (Note to self: find that ball.)
But this approach will be impossible with LO running amuck asking for constant snacks and for yet ANOTHER game of hide-and-seek. (Why does this game not get old? She hides in the same spot every time! ) I know I will be dividing myself and hopefully not going crazy in the process. See, the only experience I have had with a baby was with LO and that was not easy. Not in the least. Some babies seem to fit seamlessly into their new parents' lives. These are the rested mothers that proudly say "I have such a good, calm baby." I never ONCE uttered these words. Of course LO was "good" in the usual definition of the word. She was not an evil baby (do those exist?? no!) but what people usually mean when they say "good" baby is that their baby: SLEEPS (LO did NOT) and generally requires little attention other than diapering and feeding (HA!). LO required enormous amounts of attention and she did not fit seamlessly anywhere (except our hearts). She turned our world upside down and inside out. And continues to do so.
So the idea of another experience such as this seems daunting to say the least. Yet, I do believe that one never gets more than they can handle. Is this not true? Please say yes. I see the moms at LO's school, rocking the Baby Bjorn while holding their toddler's hands (and the lunch box and back pack.) They're doing it. So can I! (right??)
And while some of you may be reading and thinking "What a wimp; I did all that while _____(insert any scenario which is more difficult - and there are many- like "working 4 jobs" or "raising 7 other kids"), to me, my situation still scares me silly sometimes. It's just the way it is. But I applaud you and ask you for tips. Although please don't say "All my babies were good and calm and slept through the night at 4 weeks" because if history repeats itself, that won't be the case.
LO will be a hard act to follow in many ways, but it seems as though this baby is ready to hold her own and claim her position in the family. FIST PUMP!
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