Friday, May 24, 2013


I apologize in advance if this post seems scatterbrained because its author is indeed scatterbrained at the moment. There is so much happening over here. First, we are buying a house! After 6 months of a harrowing house hunt (why did I think that the process was going to be as delightful as watching an episode of House Hunters??), we are the almost-owners of a cute 2-story with a deck and swing that LO very much approves of. We couldn't be happier, more nervous or relieved at the same time. It's not quite a fixer-upper but it does need a lot of loving!  You know who else needs a lot of loving??  LO and how everybody will get their fair share is beyond me. But they will. One baseboard and princess tea party at a time.

We've also been busy with visitors this month. I love having visitors. So much so that I feel sad when they leave. When you're a stay-at-home mom, it is especially nice to have adult company during the day. Although LO's vocab can be quite extensive for a 3-year-old (e.g: "Are you so proud of me for being considerate?"), one enjoys having a conversation without having to explain every metaphor or saying. The other day I said jokingly, "Just go fly a kite" to which LO answered quizzically "But I don't have a kite Mama!" This turned into a long explanation that you just wouldn't have to get into with the average adult. Kids are so literal. Anyhow, I just love company so keep it coming, people!  Even if I'm dead tired for a week because I try to keep up with my non-child-raising peeps. I just can't party like a rock star anymore. But I give myself props for trying.

Not only has the partying left me dead tired but Baby ML has contributed too! She is growing crazy fast. She had her 4-month appointment and dreaded shots. Poor baby. It just never gets easier for mama to watch her babies get pricked. She was out of sorts for a few days which then segued into the tortuous 4 month sleep regression. If you have kids and you haven't heard of it, then count yourself lucky. We couldn't figure out why ML went from nursing 3-4 times a night to waking every hour screaming inconsolably. And then calming down to nurse and doing it again the next hour. TORTURE. For everybody except LO who wakes every morning chipper as can be. Three days into this regression and she's learned a new word...EXHAUSTED.

"Mami, are you ESS-hausted again?" LO asks as she jumps into bed with us.

"Why yes, my love muffin, mami and sister (ML's sweaty cheek is pressed against my bosom) are both exhausted. Now go ahead and watch another "Cat in the Hat."

"But why can I watch 2 shows mami? I never get 2 shows."

Geez kid, just take your good fortune and hush it!  **Please notice the absence of quotations - I didn't actually speak those words but I might have if I hadn't dozed off already. Just kidding.

So this is a slice out of our lives for the last few days. Super fun, right?? P has to actually go and see other human beings and function in the world. I only have to do a quick drop-off and pick-up at LO's school and there is no judgement there. I can spot others who are in the trenches too. We're the ones in workout gear with ZERO intentions of exercising. We're lucky we got out of bed and dressed.

But dammit, as hard as it is and sleep-deprived as I am, I know how LUCKY I am. I have healthy beautiful babies, a kick-ass partner, a great support system made up of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. We have a roof over our heads (soon our very own roof!) and food in our tummies (even if I forgot to defrost the chicken and I shared a bag of goldfish with LO instead). A weird thing happens when I see tragedies like the tornado in Oklahoma or the Boston bombings; I feel more love. I feel more gratitude. I feel more present. I feel more aware of my mortality. This awareness does not fill me with fear or anger. Instead, it makes me stop worrying about my endless to-do list while I watch LO's Sugarplum fairy dance. I fully enjoy watching her twirl around with her puffy tutu on over her Hello Kitty pajamas. Her smile as genuine and real as this moment is to her. The past and future are insignificant in comparison to the NOW. In this very ordinary moment,  she's as happy as she's ever been. Children can teach us a lot about living in the moment. Because that is how they live. Untarnished by to-do lists and stressful lives, they seek happiness at each and every opportunity. Oftentimes, it takes a tragedy to make adults stop and smell the roses but children live this way daily.

Then I realize that LO is actually teaching ME the big important lessons in life. I only teach her the silly stuff like to keep peas out of her nose and to not over-share (recently, she announced to her entire class during circle time that she "had a little bit of diarrhea last night"!!!).

Enjoy your long weekend and don't forget to let your kids teach you a thing or two. They're wise little creatures.

1 comment:

  1. Always amazes me at how you nail the situation in such a witty, charming, humorous, and, yes, wise manner!!! Your love shines through in a huge way!!! Your family will always be fine… because of YOU!!!!
